Friday, April 25, 2008

Get $25 free!

Ok guys, this is going to sound fishy, but I've done lots of research on it, and it's legit. There's a new competitor for PayPal, called Revolution Money Exchange. It was started by the vice chairman of AOL, and the founder of AOL, and they are wanting to get people away from PayPal by offering the same service (transferring money online), but with no fees like PayPal charges.

Anyway, if you sign up before May 15, you get $25 just for opening a free account (I already have the money in my account from signing up).

When you sign up, they will ask for you SSN, which is what made me suspicious. However, like I said, I did lots of research on the company, and here are a few things that made me comfortable enough to do it:
  1. They were founded by legitimate, well-known businessmen (Steve Case of AOL for one)
  2. They are financially backed by Citi, Morgan Stanley, and Deutsche Bank
    Here's the link to their about page:
  3. Accounts are provided by First Bank & Trust, Brookings, SD, an FDIC member
  4. Here's an article about them in USA Today; here's one from TechCrunch; one from FireFinance; LOTS more can be found with a simple search
  5. There are lots of people on the internet posting pictures of the checks they've received, and comments on lots of blogs about how it worked for them
    Here are a bunch of comments; here is a picture of someone's check
Anyway, thought you might want the free $25!! After signing up, make sure you go into "My Account" and click on "accept" to actually get the $25. Then you can add bank account info for a direct deposit, or if that scares you, you can request a check.

To sign up, click here (if you use this link, I'll get $10 for referring you!). Let me know what you think/decide to do.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ben & Jerry's and ReddiWhip for a year!!

Ok, so it's not exactly a tech post, but every mama-tech needs a little down time, so go enter to win the grand prize of free Ben & Jerry's and ReddiWhip for a whole year!

Go to Table4Five's blog to enter. Giveaway ends April 29th so hurry!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Windows Vista Service Pack 1

...has been released. To get your download, go here.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Safari 3.1 Update

If any of you use the Safari browser, it's just been updated. Get it here.

Wake Up on Time Every Day [Palm Software]

(I originally posted this on PalmAddicts)

One of my favorite tools for my Treo 650 is TreoAlarm. Though it says it's shareware, so far my trial version has not expired, and I've been using it for year (though I am using a slightly older version). This software includes 8 different alarms that can be set. I have a Bible study/Mommy group that I go to every Tuesday, so I set an alarm to wake me up at the right time every Tuesday. Other days, my schedule is different, so I can have different alarms for those days. Each alarm can have a customized tone, duration, and loudness level; you can choose the snooze length; you can choose to turn the phone radio on or off; or you can have the weather updated.

View all its features here.

For any Palm users that have different schedules on different days throughout the week, TreoAlarm definitely extends the functionality of the built-in alarm software! This is a must have.

Have a great Tuesday!

About Mama Tech

I'm a stay-at-home mom of one daughter, with one on the way this summer. I've been interested in technology since I was just a kid, literally! My family got a Dell desktop computer back in 1994, and let me tell you -- it had nothing!! It used Windows 3.1 (anyone know what that is??), had 128 MB hard drive space, and 4 MB of RAM. And..... it cost $2,000 on sale!!! Wow, we've come a long way since then.

I'll just let you know what devices I have at home, so that you'll know where I'm mostly going to be coming from on my posts. I have a Dell Inspiron laptop running Windows XP, so most of my software recommendations and reviews will be XP-related. I also use a Palm Treo smartphone -- a techie mama's best friend! Palms have all sorts of third-party applications that made my life sooo much easier! I use it for everything from scheduling, wake-up alarm, listening to music/podcasts, tracking fertility signs (for real!!), Bible reading, eBook reading, taking pictures, shopping lists, and on and on. I'll be highlighting a lot of my favorite softwares along the way. I'm also an Associate Writer over at the PalmAddicts blog.

I looove helping other mamas find tech solutions to make their lives easier, so if you have a question along the way, let me know!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Welcome to Mama Tech!

Technology should make your life easier -- not more complicated. As moms, we have lots going on already! Join me on the journey to find tech solutions for our every day needs as mamas. Welcome aboard!