Tuesday, March 18, 2008

About Mama Tech

I'm a stay-at-home mom of one daughter, with one on the way this summer. I've been interested in technology since I was just a kid, literally! My family got a Dell desktop computer back in 1994, and let me tell you -- it had nothing!! It used Windows 3.1 (anyone know what that is??), had 128 MB hard drive space, and 4 MB of RAM. And..... it cost $2,000 on sale!!! Wow, we've come a long way since then.

I'll just let you know what devices I have at home, so that you'll know where I'm mostly going to be coming from on my posts. I have a Dell Inspiron laptop running Windows XP, so most of my software recommendations and reviews will be XP-related. I also use a Palm Treo smartphone -- a techie mama's best friend! Palms have all sorts of third-party applications that made my life sooo much easier! I use it for everything from scheduling, wake-up alarm, listening to music/podcasts, tracking fertility signs (for real!!), Bible reading, eBook reading, taking pictures, shopping lists, and on and on. I'll be highlighting a lot of my favorite softwares along the way. I'm also an Associate Writer over at the PalmAddicts blog.

I looove helping other mamas find tech solutions to make their lives easier, so if you have a question along the way, let me know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi - my name is Kelly and I'm a writer for iParenting Media. I'm looking for someone to interview for a story I'm writing about using the computer to track fertility and your blog came up in my search. I'd love to talk to you for my story. Please email me at kburgess@zoominternet.net for more details and references.